Former senior partner, Len Murray in the news

We were very proud to see our former senior partner and Scottish litigation giant, Len Murray, feature in the Evening Times. His case, a murder trial with a sentence of capital punishment is now 60 years old, but reminds us of how far the legal profession has come in that relatively short time. The stakes we now fight for are high, but nothing compared with the pressure on Len and his peers who were defending not just liberty, but life. Len Murray’s presence with and influence on the firm cannot be  understated. He attracted clients who remain with the firm today and also brought work which have led to the many and diverse streams we see in the firm today. I was fortunate to work with Len when he was a consultant with the firm and he always had time to listen, to counsel – and to ensure my syntax and spelling were immaculate! He has become in recent years one the foremost after dinner speakers in the country and a world leading authority and speaker on Robert Burns.
